Tuesday 20 September 2011

Week Eight: Final Scenario & Product Development

Of the two scenarios we have decided to go with the older person in Scenario One.  We feel  that considering the overall project this scenario would offer us better possibilities with regards to a genuine need for connecting and communicating with others.

We have assessed several possibilities with regards to tools that could be used to produce the input & output.  We keep returning to the brush as it has a direct relationship with the movements of the painter and it is these movements that we would like to use for communication.

Painting tools and environment

Our other main concern was the number of possible connections that could be made at any one time.  The product will be part of a broader on-line application, a blog or forum for example; here users are able to connect with and view the work of other painters in the network.   I like how the concept has evolved into something that enables the connection of strangers as discussed in an earlier scenario possibility using interactive art.    Here they will also have the option of registering their product to connect with & "follow" specific painters.   However we would also like the participation of painters within the general community to be communicated, giving an indication of just how many people are painting together. If users were able to identify who was communicating with them, either the specific painters or the general community, the output would have to change accordingly and the product would become quite complex...

Dharawan working through input & output 
We agreed that the feedback should be the same regardless of whether it is from the general community or specific painters.  Users then have the option of following up the connection within the on-line forum, they can post their work and see exactly who was painting with them.  This may foster further connections, learning and motivation.

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