Sunday 25 September 2011

Formative Feedback

Notes on our brief  - feedback during our formative assessment

Our concept and it's light/ movement output has been well received by the teaching team.   From here we need to refine the product, its output and technical workings.
Yasu was steering us towards concentrating on lighting the jar/glass itself, and the area surrounding the jar as opposed to the ceiling.  He said the ceiling effect is possible, but should be considered as a bonus, if you like, that our main intention should be to light the glass itself.   Given there would be different transparency to the liquid, whether dirty or clean, water or turps, lighting the jar itself would provide a more consistent output.

The base should hold all of the electronics and lights - Light could point up, and in, towards the jar - The jar could have a fine texture / reflective material,  that allows the light to bounce off of it in many directions. 
He also suggested a simple magnetic 'tape' wrapped around the brush could be used instead of a grip. The tape could have tiny proximity sensors in it that transmitted small pulses via radio frequency - that it would use very low power and potentially last years.

So from here we need to look at the base of the jar, how to produce the movement & light.  The materials used for the jar itself and the mechanism by which the brush will communicate. 

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