Monday 19 September 2011

Playing with the Possibilities: The Intention

So we've decided to pursue the water pot idea in conjunction with Dharawan's original concept of the brush strokes used as the means of communication.  

This is a little video to try and demonstrate the intention of our product and user interaction.
One person is painting... through a device on their brush, their gestures and movements are translated into an output of movement and light -
This output occurs at another location through the rinsing jar of another painter.  This second painter is then aware that someone else is painting at the same time as them.  The second painter can respond by touching the jar.  This touch will then be communicated as light to the first painter, comfirming that they have connected with another...
Apologies for the quality - not sure why that hasn't translated - the 1st Pink tag says "Input: Paint Brush"
The Green one says "Output: Rinsing Jar"...

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