Sunday 9 October 2011

Week Ten: Possible Connections

Dharawan's original concept for this painting tool was a connection between two friends that enjoy painting; it was to be able to see when the other was painting and therefore encourage you to keep painting.  The product connects like minded people.  People with a passion for painting.
 To further this communication we have opened the concept up to allow for communication between more than two people at a time and potentially between people that have never met.  This poses numerous possible scenarios for connections - inputs & outputs....
I've tried to visualise this as best I can just to see if its all making sense...
For this purpose I have envisioned three 'settings':
One - allows you to connect with on person
Group - allows you to connect with people you are 'following' (possibly up to five?)
All - connects you with the entire network

The painter chooses what option (One, Group or All) to 'send' to.
The painter's brush strokes are translated through movement of the other person's water jar.
That person can acknowledge this presence by touching the device , this gesture will be depicted as light emitting from the original painters jar.

The painter can also choose to 'follow' one of the options (One, Group or All).
When painters as part of these group begin to paint - their gestures will be translated as movement inthe original painters jar.

The two options are not connected.  If the painter doesn't not see a response, it would indicate that perhaps that person is not painting, or connected and then painter can 'change the station' if you like.

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