Monday 10 October 2011

Week eleven: Re-thinking the brush

In our last group meeting we were analysing the devices we intended to use for our input (the brush) and our output (the water jar).
It has always been a concern that any attachment for the brush must be light weight - and perhaps easily move to another brush.  But with so many possible brush that an artist may use we were unsure how to acomplish this.
Instead we are now looking at having the artist wear a device on his hfinger and perhap wrist.
A tiny sensor would sit up near the finger tip and be attached by wire to the electronics in another device on the painters wrist.  This would then transmit even the tiniest of movement and avoid having the painter have to change the device to different brushes.

A couple of videos below demonstrate a mock up of this, with some potential issues...
We felt that having the device that detects movement placed on the finger would allow for the most precise and detailed recording of activity and gestures.  However that then requires a wire or cable down to a band on the wrist - as this secondary device would be a more suitable size capable of containing all of the electronics etc to enable connectivity.
But it appears the cable could cause some interference with the act of painting - something we explicitly want to avoid.  We want the product to blend seemlessly within the framework of painting and to all of the tools already used by the painter.  This cable will get tangled in the brush and may become a distraction and annoyance....
Need to rethink....

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