Thursday 6 October 2011

Scenario Research:

Given our scenario will focus on a retired man, it was worth considering the implications of the ageing population in Australia. 
The family structure has changed dramatically in the last few decades; families are not only living further apart, but many of our seniors are living alone and tragically, dying alone.


Research conducted by CIRCA the Cambridge Interdisciplinary Research Centre on Ageing identified key factors that can increase the risk of social isolation and key factors that can protect older people from becoming isolated (source
 At the top of this list is social relationships, connections and networks.  

Risk factors:                                                            Protection:

Increasingly, local councils and community groups are seeking ways in which to engage older members of the community and art is one such method.  Our concept could provide immense value to not just amateur painters and hobbyists of all ages, but most certainly to the older demographic.  

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