Thursday 18 August 2011

WEEK FOUR: Concept Bomb

I never do well in these situations, I know its meant to be, anything goes, don't hold back, but the reality is, I question.  And I analyse. And I can always find a reason not to.  Always asking 'so what?'
Three tasks were presented:
One: communication between two different generational groups - with an emphasis on social awarenes...
Two: connecting couples - an emotional awareness, reflected perhaps in the way the message is communicated and the materials used in the design...
& Three: between friends during physical activity- with a recognition of a sense of the task at hand...

Concept 1: Storytelling between children and grandparents
Each block represents a task or activity the child has done in the day, play with friends, read a book, crafts etc...
they place the blocks into another? hollow block perhaps? that then communicates with a paired object  at the Grandparents house... although I'm not sure what would happen after this - Does the grandparent reply somehow?  Completing the circle of communication, giving feedback to the child?

Concept 3: Marathon Stats - pace, distance, location... a band that communicate the  progress of a friend  in the event so friends or followers can keep track throughout the race.  Once again though, I'm unsure of the output....

Two, I didn't manage two.  That emotion is a difficult concept to communicate through a device.  It would need to be voice, or smell, or a song... a heartbeat... a moment... a memory... how do you communicate that ?

From the tasks though, did come a train of thought...  the 1st concept - communication between children and grandparents...  You know the questions we were all asked as kids... "So tell me what you did today"... "What did you learn in school today?"  To which the answer was usually  - Nuthin', or, I dunno....  So perhaps something that could encourage communication for children....?  I know though that I want it to be meaningful...

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