Wednesday 10 August 2011

Week Three: Introducing the supercharged electric razor powered boat with wheels and a propeller??

Well in the end it didn't technically come together, but some good collaboration revealed interesting possibilities.
Our task this week was to 'deconstruct' old electronic gadgets and material items, then using these individual components, create something completely different.  It was about understanding the interactions and developing new possibilities... An old remote control car, boat and helicopter with an electric razor, a couple of batteries, blue-tac, a rubber band and Voila! Well... sort of...

 Our gadgetry

The batteries were rechargeable, but no longer managed to charge...
As you couldn't get to them, it rendered the shaver useless. 

After smashing it to pieces and replacing the batteries, the motor started without hesitation.

The 'Altantic '95', the wonderful green boat seen on the right, was brought in by another group &
provided the perfect vessel for our rejuvinated motor...

The intention...

Our motor had great potential, but the best part of the exercise happened when two groups came together to share ideas and materials.

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