Thursday 3 November 2011

Final Week: Paintmotion Presentation & Context Video

Paintmotion is an interactive tool that brings together like-minded people with a passion for painting.   This crafted device fits naturally into the painter’s world and enables a wireless connection to other painters. Through the gestural expressions of their painting, members of this artistic collective can share the process and the experience with one another.  An online forum enables further communication allowing artists to see who they were painting with, make personal contact and explore the work of others.  Art is an effective, creative and emotional means of communicating without words; Paintmotion is a tool that provides a sense of belonging, encouragement and motivation for those within its community.  

The video below was used to introduce our product and our user, William. To give the viewer an understanding of the intention of the product, how it enables the communication of presence and encourages further social connections within the network.

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