Sunday 31 July 2011

Poetry & Technology.... Aimee Mullins

Getting rid of the digital device altogether... Pranav Mistry: SixthSense technology |

...tangible interaction 2011 vs 1992....

2011  PROJECT BRIEF:  'I-sense-you': a social telepresence project
AIM: To design a product that facilitates being aware of the 'presence' of others & the status of a particular situation

Three Project Dimensions
Object: the physical, tangible, 3-dimensional object 
Scenario: user groups & context of use :: universal design :: dynamic & social aspects
Behaviour: brings it all together... Finding the best combination of Input & Output :: Action / Reaction

Representing data through physical objects... How it was conceptualised in 1992...

Durrell Bishop Marble Answer Machine from Luckybite on Vimeo.

Saturday 30 July 2011

Innovation = Copies & Remixes

Third year, second semester and already week One is rapidly coming to a close.
The theme for Industrial Design 6 has been introduced.... Assistive Technologies & Tangible Communications - so the search for inspiration and understanding begins again...

Wednesday 27 July 2011

Week One: Introduction

During our studio we evaluated random items we had with us to see if they had anything that could be considered assistive technology.  My favourite was the Ziplock bag with it's yellow and blue strip on either side; you know the bag is properly sealed when they turn green, simple. Oh, and I was practicing writing my name with my left hand...

Courtesy of the Institute for Cognitive Systems
...The orientation controller is pretty impressive...!


...ok, it works... :) yay...
now what to say....